Check my English
to Check my English. If you write English as a foreign language for your job or
academic studies and could use a
little help, you have arrived at the right
website. Here is some basic information you would probably like to know before
trusting Check my English with your documents.
Who are we?
Check my English was established in 2000 and is based in Denmark (Danish
Business Registration No. 25594487). The business is owned and operated by a
British expatriate whose career has included professional business consultancy
work in the UK and many years of teaching A-level English and organising
Business English courses in Scandinavia.
Check my English provides an online service for business professionals,
students and academics who can write basically understandable English, but who
need assistance to produce a natural, idiomatically and grammatically correct
result. If you can understand this text, then the chances are that your own
written English is good enough to be checked by us.
Texts can be anything, ranging from e-mails, letters and brochures to reports
and presentations. We can also offer online oral coaching sessions, e.g. in
connection with an important presentation or speech.
Why use
Check my English?
Most global EFL speakers can talk the talk – but struggle to write the text! International
executives and academics can create a good impression with their daily spoken
English, but may require support with a key presentation or speech. Native
English speaking audiences are generally very forgiving when listening to EFL
speakers, provided the stakes are low. There is generally less tolerance towards
important written English texts that contain errors.
Whether it is written or spoken, a natural English and correct grammar empowers
your message. This is especially important if you are competing and communicating
with native English speakers.
Check my English is available for anyone who needs a little help to check their
written or spoken English. The concept is simple, quick and cost effective.
The continued success of Check my English over a 20 year period is entirely
based on the trust of our customers who repeatedly send us documents to be
checked – any time, and from anywhere in the world.
Our aims for the future?
Check my English aims to continue building a global brand among international
business executives, academics and students seeking help to improve the
language quality of important English texts and documents.
Put simply, we aim to check your English quickly and effectively. Most texts
are checked and returned within 48 hours.
Where can you reach us?
To send us
a text for checking: newdocument@checkmyenglish.dk
To arrange
oral coaching and for general enqiries: info@checkmyenglish.dk
my English, Oesterskovvej 49A, 6340 Krusaa, Denmark
Registered Co. No. / SE No. 25594487
Maxwell T. Brown BSc. (Hons), ED, MA,
Founder of Check my English
Send your text to newdocument@checkmyenglish.dk for an immediate price quote and turnaround time. Contact info@checkmyenglish.dk to reserve online oral coaching.